Sunday, 7 June 2015

One child and done? Or ready for another?!

Before I had a child, I thought we'd have two or three in total and couldn't imagine stopping at one. After the birth of our energetic little monster though, we quickly legged it in the other direction to the 'one child and done' camp and swore to anyone who would listen that we were NEVER having another! They would knowingly shake their heads in disbelief but we were adamant we couldn’t go through it again.

Nearly 5 years, many discussions (arguments!), hours of counselling and changing of minds later, we've done another about-face and decided we would like and might be ready for the challenge of a second child. Translation: if we ever do manage to get pregnant, we're going to spend 9 months panicking. And praying. And making plans to kidnap Supernanny and force her to live with us!

If you've read 'My story' post, you'll know why we're scared as hell. But before we start panicking, we actually need to make a baby. That should be the easy (and fun!) bit right? We managed to get pregnant once before so how hard can it be?!

Well - unlike some of my jammy friends (you know who you are) who find getting pregnant as easy as sneezing - it doesn't happen easily for us and we have to work at it. The first time around that was a pretty enjoyable experience - we could practice whenever we wanted, had lots of energy, weekends were spent going out and having lazy lie-ins together - and all was good. It still took us almost a year but that was ok because we had all the time in the world and it happened in the end.

This time around, it's a totally different story.
At nearly 5 years old, my son still finds various excuses for waking us up at night and would love nothing more than to sleep in the middle of us every night if we let him. He asks - 'Why do Mummy and Daddy get to sleep together but I have to sleep alone?' - How do you answer that one?! The cats like to sleep on our feet or heads or just lick us until we move out of their way. As our bed is too small for all those wriggly bodies and us, me or the hubby usually lose the nightly game of musical beds and one of us skulks off to the spare room. When we are actually in the same bed alone, we're way too exhausted for sex and sleep is our number one priority.

None of this is conducive to making a baby and at 38, my biological clock is ticking so loudly it sounds like a time bomb about to explode!

So now it's ovulation sticks, military planning and doing it (very quietly) when the grandparents are staying as that's the only time we get to go out/ have a lie in (sorry mum and dad!). Definitely NOT easy or fun and let's hope we get pregnant pretty bloody quickly this time as I'm not sure how much longer we can keep it up (ahem) before we run back to the 'one child and done' camp and beg to be let back in!

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