Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Raising a spirited child

A friend posted a plea on Facebook today that went something like this -

I honestly don't know what to do with my 2 yr old... And I'm at my wits end. Please does anyone have any advice on dealing with a challenging, demanding, fearless and clearly very bright child who finds mischief and naughtiness any second my back is turned.

I feel like this about little monster most of the time so read the comments with interest - and in the hope that someone had a magical solution for taming a 'spirited' child!

Within the 50-odd comments, other mums with similar children consoled, empathised and offered a shoulder to cry on/ bottle of wine to cry into. No magic solutions but a few people thought it was because she's a girl and/ or a second child. 

As my only child (for a reason!) is a boy and exactly the same, I don't agree with either of these but I do agree, as many suggested, that temperament and will are down to a child's innate personality and genetic make-up. And unfortunately there's not a lot we can do to change any of that so it's ultimately about how we deal with it and try to manage their behaviour. Easier said than done! 

If you've never tried to manage an uncontrollable little monster and stay calm in the face of non-stop noise and naughtiness, let me give you a little insight into what you're missing out on - 

Every morning you're woken by a tiny human dynamo jumping on you and shouting demands in your face. No time to have so much as a leisurely yawn before it's 'Get up Mummy!', 'I want breakfast!' and 'Why aren't you playing with me?!' (because I'm making your breakfast like you asked, you annoying little....!) Forget lie-ins - if you manage to get an undisturbed night's sleep, it's a miracle!

Mealtimes can test the patience of the calmest parent. An un-winnable exercise in negotiation with the rudest, loudest, most obnoxious diner who does nothing but complain, can't sit still, doesn't bother to eat the food and definitely doesn't leave a tip. Repeat exercise three times a day until you go insane and let them have jam sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner because that's the only thing they'll eat.

Trying to do any kind of chore with a little monster in tow is pointless. Every now and then you stupidly forget this fact and delude yourself than popping to the shops will be quick and painless. Don't do it! Remind yourself that the only thing you're ever going to achieve is being embarrassed in public and it always ends with you trying to wrestle a screaming midget home/ to the car without anyone getting hurt.

And finally, when you've had enough and just want some peace and quiet, there's the final challenge of bedtime to get through. None of that snuggling up and reading a story before kissing your sleepy little one on the head and leaving the room. Bedtime with a spirited child is more like trying to get a tiny, crazy drunk person to shut the hell up and go to sleep. 

So to my Facebook friend and everyone else raising a spirited child - I clearly have no useful advice to offer but I hope there's some comfort in knowing you're not alone. 

All we can do is support each other and I assure you - you're doing an amazing job of raising a bright, curious, tenacious, fearless, courageous and confident child. And at the end of the day, just keep telling yourself it'll all be worth it when they become highly successful adults and can look after us in our old age! 

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